Friday, May 22, 2009

Obama's Crusade to Crash Liberty

By Julian Krasta

Barack Hussein Obama has seized the wheel of power in the United States. With it he is course-plotting our nation, and our nation’s friends, to ruin.

The second paragraph of Section 2 of the Constitution begins: “He shall have power, by and with Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur; …”

It’s no secret that Obama is indifferent to the types of treaties to which this sacred document refers. With no resistance whatsoever from within Congressional chambers, he is driven (or is he duty-bound?) by a brainsick compulsion to scrap our alliances with England and Israel.

Rather than sharpening our defenses against terrorist invasion, Obama is erecting a tightly packed wall between America and our most faithful allies. The first layer of brick was when he insulted Britain’s Prime Minister by making him wait for a meeting at the White House, which was then cut short.

The next tiers shot up when, visiting England, he and his wife ditched centuries’ old protocol when they met with Queen Elizabeth. And rather than present elegant gifts to Mr. Brown and Her Majesty, they handed over what amounts to Christmas stocking stuffers for 8-year olds.

The mortar is his attempt to broker a 2-state solution that, without doubt, would set Israel up for bloodier cockfights with the Palestinians. Obama’s proposal is a faithful blueprint of what Jimmy Carter did—or, rather, did not do—with Iran: he shelled peanuts while Khomeini and the Taliban toppled the Shah and took control.

Carter wanted Iran to fall into the hands of those who wish to exact out-and-out destruction upon Israel. And at the same time that Obama was making naïve comments to the press about how Palestinians and Israelis should be “…living side by side in peace and security,” Hamas was renewing rocket attacks against Israel.

Is Obama settling old scores? If so, what might those be? Why is he forging a plan that would be beneficial to no one but the sworn enemies of Christians and Jews?

Insofar as England is concerned, could it be that Obama wants to rake in his pound of flesh against the English who, along with the French and the Dutch, kidnapped, transported and sold Africans into slavery all across the known world over 500 years ago? Please note that nowhere in the previous sentence do I mention America. The “American slave trade” involved English, French, and Dutch landowners.

Obama is now obsessed with closing Guantanamo. His backstop is “rule of law” as to how to handle the incarceration of these very dangerous criminals. He, of course, continues to crucify President Bush over this and every other matter under the moon, stars and sun. But George Bush did not change the rules of war, it was al Qaida. Unlike World War II enemies in uniform, who were more easily identifiable, today’s enemy has no allegiance to a particular country. They are faithful only to a heinous ideology that sanctions and demands the murder of Americans, Jews, and anyone else who does not share their “faith.”

Congress overwhelmingly rejected Obama’s request for $80 millions to close Guantanamo, primarily because each representative was being inundated with communications from their respective constituents demanding that none of those criminals be re-placed into a state facility. The fact that Obama is even toying with the idea—using “rule of law”—to disperse the enemies of America throughout America is cause for grave concern. Dispersal would invite wider terrorist attacks.

This is an extraordinary case, which Obama should handle very carefully, because our country’s security is at stake. Closing this maximum-security detention center to satisfy his lust for even more power only tells me that he cares even less about the citizens to which he answers. Also, if he is ever successful by using “rule of law” to close GITMO and disperse those murderers into our states’ systems, then Socrates was right when he said: “There is a point beyond which even justice becomes unjust.”

It is my opinion that Obama’s bigger-than-life vision of himself has blurred his ability to think reasonably and fairly. He is the wrong man, in the wrong place, and definitely at the wrong time. America needs a clear thinking, rational, tough-as-nails leader with hands-on executive experience—a hunter-gatherer-protector—not a duke or earl coveting only the cushiness of the king’s chair.

Running hand in hand with Obama’s egregious point of view of Middle East policy is what appears to be his determination to impoverish the American People. On its face, that plan involves creating a single proletariat class that would only subsist on regulated or limited wages, doled out by this Administration under the heading “benevolence.”

Among such acts of benevolence is Obama’s new energy policy, which is structured to increase utility rates. As noted in the Washington Times: “A study of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that the cap-and-trade tax will cost every American family more than $3,100 per year.” With such an increase, and others like it, impoverishment is no flight of fantasy.

Another is the collapse of General Motors and Chrysler and takeover by Obama. As I understand it, Obama’s plan is to convert those manufacturers’ preferred stock to common stock, which would give Obama’s government voting rights over those companies.

The big one that pushed us up onto the rocks was the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac catastrophe that caused a worldwide financial heart attack. My gut told me then, and it continues telling me, that it was all engineered by the Left in order to stick the blame for everything on President Bush, and ensure a landslide victory for Obama. (Hitler accomplished the same when he ordered the Reichstag (the German Legislature) torched. The Chancellor’s henchman, Hermann Göring, deflected blame onto the communists. It was Hitler’s first step in carving his way towards a gruesome dictatorship.)

There’s only one glaring problem the political Left here did not anticipate would result from their hedonism. They spent no time researching just how deep their insidious blade would penetrate, because what they’ve done is strike straight into America’s heart, and the heart of America is The People. And Obama continues to stick it to us every time he reads from his teleprompter.

Absolutism is not provided in the Constitution to the chief executive. Yet, in less than four months, Barack Hussein Obama, the poster boy for “Implementation Without Rules” and “The Far Left’s Rules of Misconduct,” has been permitted to take an axe to the roots of our tree of liberty.

Unless he and the others in his administration as well as their dutiful constituents make a comprehensive return to common sense and democracy, and soon, all that will remain of America after Obama is finished will be a lifeless stump.

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