Saturday, June 07, 2008

Fair Warning About Obama

By Julian Krasta

When he first stepped out on the world stage, Barack Hussein Obama seemed to most conservatives both beautiful and disturbing, as one might feel when casting a virgin glance upon a Salvador Dali painting: It makes no sense, it is a bit alarming, but the colors are pretty.

Ambitious politicians address expectant crowds often with “I can,” “I will,” or “I promise.” Typically, there are no images to go with their words.

B. Hussein, however, has, and with broad and uneven strokes, splashed a redesigned America on the blank canvases that are his supporters’ minds. The vision they have grabbed onto is, from a hot-air balloon, a color-blended Utopia. Up close, it is stark, very costly, divided, divisive, and unsafe.

Obama displayed painful earnestness when he proposed a change the people can believe in. Unfortunately for him, comments he made about his grandmother being a ‘typical white person’ – and his backpedaling to attempt to reverse its base meaning – has exposed two irrefutable facts: (1) The “change” is pure fiction, because (2) his pallette, by his own admission, is smeared with only two shades: black on the left, white on the right, which has brought out into the open his guilty secret:

He is a spoiled and bitter child.

In view of these inconsistencies, as well as his rambling discourse following the Wright bruhaha in which his deep-seated obsession over race tumbled out, conservatives and auspicious Democrats have watched his ascent and listened to his avowals with enhanced caution. As he spiraled higher, caution turned to concern, particularly after Wright’s frightful remarks and the ugly and hostile emergence of Michael Pfleger.

Frankly, I am relieved. It has all served to reconfirm that Obama is, underneath the surface shine, just another sloppy pop idol. Like all brat luminaries who are the darlings of the liberal media, he believes – or his puppeteers have led him to believe – that he can say or do anything and get away with it. For anyone to try to convince me Obama is qualified to lead this nation would be the same as trying to convince me Martin Bormann was an OK fella.

Obama, the official glamorizer of the liberals’ fractured philosophy, will go on with his lordly amusement of making outlandish conjectures about how he and he alone can cure America’s troubles. With no list of accomplishments to his credit since becoming a senator, this delinquent naïveté is fast becoming a point of great anxiety.

His most upsetting absurdity is to meet with Iran to discuss stabilizing Iraq. The spoiled child in him refuses to accept the fact that there is no chatting or negotiating with tyrants on any issue – ever.

Iran, a preeminent engine of killing, is flagrantly processing uranium. There is no doubt this uranium is being prepared for nuclear weapons. Yet, B. Hussein thinks he can leap tall buildings over to Tehran; that Admadinijad will crawl out of his sinkhole of iniquity, be waiting for him on the tarmac with open arms and – voilà! – lend a happy hand to the United States.

Obama’s immaturity is so tragic it is almost poetic.

The mainstream media will, as they always do, play down Obama’s numerous faux pas. Obama, in an attempt to maintain his artificial patina, will place the onus for his goof-ups on everyone else.

His resolute followers will write articles defending him and engage in blown reactor shouting matches with us “xenophobes” for our audacity to speak or print the truth about him. Nevertheless, this political ingénue’s words are out there for eternity.

Just as no earthly power can resurrect the dead, Obama can never change what he said.

Obama’s meteoric rise has unquestionably affected how he views his own mortality. Instead of window dressing for his mob of doting fans and highbrow supporters and voicing bizarre and self-congratulatory statements, he should re-register at Occidental College and take a crash course on Ancient Rome. Specifically:

When a general returned from a victorious campaign, he would enter Rome triumphantly in his chariot ahead of his legions wearing gold armor and electrum that flashed brightly in the sun. Thousands of exuberant citizens greeted him. They laid flowers before him and cheered wildly as if he were the god Apollo in human form. The moment must have been exhilarating.

Here is where Rome’s emperors were shrewd. They knew such adoration could easily cause the most sensible man to believe he is invincible and redoubtable – a god. With this in mind, they placed a solitary, unobtrusive man beside the general in his chariot. As they paraded past the adoring mob, the man’s sole duty was to repeat this warning in the general’s ear:

“You are only a man.”

In Barack Obama’s case, the repeated warning in everyone’s ears should be:

“He is only a child.”