Monday, August 28, 2006


The report of a tragic plane crash in Lexington, Kentucky, early Sunday morning was on the news wires most of the day. I prayed for the souls of the passengers and the pilot who perished, and for their families. (Only one person survived, identified later as the co-pilot, who was pulled from the wreckage moments before the entire aircraft burst into flames.)

Last night, I began watching the 58th Emmy Awards Show last night, mostly for the glitter and twitter of the celebrities. I'd heard Conan O'Brien would be the host and so I expected some fun moments, since I consider him to be a funny man...usually. Unfortunately, the opening sequence hit me like a trainload of chipped ice.

In view of the loss of lives in that plane crash earlier Sunday, I believe the network and the producers of the Emmys could have--should have--exercised restraint and respect, or at least common sense, and scrapped the plane crash parody at the opening of the show and gone straight to the awards ceremony. But then, the heel of my hand went upside my forehead, reminding me, "Duh! This is mainstream media!"

I always think there is little that could surprise me anymore at this stage in my life. The MSM proves me wrong every day. Their blatant unbalanced reporting, such as, most recently, their coverage and broadcasts of the battle between Israel and Hezbollah. As far as I could determine, only approximately 5% of the reporting showed Israeli casualties. The other 95% of reporting showed Lebanese civilians and some Hezbollah fighters, or persons posing as Hezbollah fighters.

Last night, the MSM seemingly took a quantum leap into utter disregard. I'm certain no one at that network truly understands the meaning of "plain decency."

On the basis of what I see and hear on a daily basis, it is clear that the mainstream media suffer from an extremely limited range of human emotions. I say "human emotions" because (correct me if I'm wrong), as far as I can tell it is humans who are in charge of the major broadcast networks. Only these humans lack compassion and empathy. They push the outside of the envelope too far too many times, and last night, in my opinion, they went straight over the edge.

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